In 2022, fundraising from this program increased the budget for South Shore's art, music and library departments. The Parent Teacher Student Association funded fieldtrips, family services, in school events and assisted the snack supply closet.
This year, we have:
17 Southend Schools including all of the elementary, K-8 and middle schools collaboratively fundraising and equitably fundsharing together.
1 fabulous bingo board with 25 squares geared towards 4-13 year old children
12 southend community partners creating how to videos and teaching their craft to children at local live events
14 live move-a-thon events at our individual schools with community partnerships, music, snacks and bingo board activities
Participating Schools:
Aki Kurose Middle, Beacon Hill International Elementary, Dearborn Park International Elementary, Dunlap Elementary, Emerson Elementary, Graham Hill Elementary, Hawthorne Elementary, John Muir Elementary, Kimball Elementary, Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary, Maple Elementary, Asa Mercer Middle, Orca K-8, Rainier View Elementary, Rising Star Elementary, South Shore PK-8, Wing Luke Elementary
Online at www.sessfa.org
Please make checks payable to: Alliance for Education. Write SESSFA on the Memo line.
Please return all check/cash collected and Bingo boards to your school by March 24, 2023
Get Ready Now
Information Sheet (with translations)
Pledge Sheet
Bingo Sheet
Join us!
Would you like to support the in person events at your school? Connect us to a local business for sponsorship? Or a local activity centered community partner?
Reach out to your building's site leader or email sessfundraisingalliance@gmail.com. We would love for you to join us!