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Supporting Community During Coronavirus and School Closures

SEATTLE – Boys & Girls Clubs of King County announced today that its Clubs will be supporting families in the area who experience school closures in light of the Coronavirus situation.

Specific Clubs are offering extended day programming in the Greater Seattle area.““We recognize that not all families have the ability to stay home and take care of their kids when schools are closed. At this point we are offering full day programs at 12 of our sites across greater Seattle area,” said President & CEO Laurie Black.

Extended programming started for some Clubs starts Thursday, March 12, and for others, it starts Friday, March 13.

Call the Club to confirm its starting time.

The Clubs are prepared to staff and host up to each Club’s capacity. The organization is following the State’s current guidelines of no more than 250 people in one gathering spot. The organization will keep its ratio of 15 members to one staff member for its elementary programming and a ratio of 20 teens to one staff in its teen centers.

“We currently have no evidence of the virus in our Clubs, and welcome all kids in our community,” Black said.

There’s no additional cost to current youth and teen Club members. New members will be responsible for paying the $50 membership fee and $25 daily fee. New teen members will only pay the $50 membership fee. These costs will be in effect through March.

Additional steps to help protect Club members, staff and volunteers are also underway. Health screenings of both youth and staff will occur upon arrival that includes:

- Families and staff asked at drop off if they have had contact with anyone who has had a confirmed case of the Coronavirus or is currently awaiting test results in the last 14 days.  

- If the answer is yes, the youth will not be able to attend, nor will any staff members be able to work until after the quarantine period has elapsed.Youth & Staff are already required to wash their hands upon arrival at the Club.

- They also are directed to wash hands thoroughly before eating meals or snacks and frequently throughout the day. 

- If a Club experiences a confirmed case of Coronavirus of either a staff member or one of our youth, the Club will close down for at least two days to allow for disinfection of all surfaces.

- Next week, members and staff will have temperatures taken upon entry. If the temperature is over 100.0 degrees, staff or youth will be sent home and encouraged to contact their primary care provider.

“We are working to be as flexible and responsive as possible to our family and community needs in this time of upheaval,” Black indicated.

Last week, the nonprofit pivoted its second-largest fundraiser, LunchBreak, from a live event to a virtual weeklong event to ensure the health and safety of its participants. The continued support of our donors and funders is essential to our ability to raise the funds that power our programs. The weeklong virtual event started March 9 and runs to March 17.

A generous pool of matching donors is making it possible to grow gifts to the event. More about LunchBreak and how to support the event is at:

About Boys & Girls Clubs of King County

At Boys & Girls Clubs of King County, we are taking youth programming to a new level. We are a leader in youth development, providing a safe, affordable place for kids and teens during critical out-of-school time. Our Clubs offer life-changing programs and services 2,000 youth each day throughout the greater Seattle area. As one of the largest Boys & Girls Club organizations in the United States, we have a rich 77-year history serving King County youth.# # #


Call us: 206-252-7600

Find us: 4800 S Henderson St, Seattle, WA  98118

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